Lush Herbalism Review – Acne prone skin


I have been dealing with acne since I was 13 years old. I have tried at least 15 different products and even went to the dermatologist for a special treatment. Nothing ever seemed to actually work for me…. until now. Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you to the product that saved my life: Herbalism by Lush!

Now, I do have to say that my acne is hormonal acne and also stress related acne, so when I’m stressed (emotionally) my skin breaks out almost immediately. Of course when you go through puberty your hormones keep changing and so does your acne. But nevertheless I have seen a huge difference just within the past few weeks, ever since I started using this product. In this post I’m going to tell you a little bit about the product, how to use it and I’m also going to show you pictures of my skin (which makes me kind of uncomfortable to be very honest as I’m still working on accepting and loving my skin the way it is but I’m just not there yet).

A picture of my skin as it is right now without any filters or facetune magic. As you can see I don’t really have lots of pimples aymore, it’s mostly just blackheads, whiteheads and red acne scars (thanks to my pale skin).

The product

The product (9,95€/100g) comes in a plain black box as you can see in the first picture. It doesn’t look like your typical product because it looks like someone literally just took a spoon and put some of the product into this box but that didn’t bother me at all. It contains kaolin clay, rice bran, rosemary, chamomile, nettle and chlorophyllin (an extract from alfalfa plants: it gives the product its bright green color and it’s also rich in vitamins and minerals) so it’s a very natural, vegan cleanser. I have to admit that I was a bit sceptical in the beginning because I did not expect a product like this (that doesn’t contain lots of chemicals to sort of ”kill” the acne) to work but man I was proven wrong!


How to use it

I was really confused at first since you can’t just rub it in your face like you would with any other product. But it’s still super easy to use: Just grab a pea-sized chunk of Herbalism, add a little bit of water to it and mix water and Herbalism in your hand. After that you simply apply it to your (wet) face. You will not need more than a little bit of product as it sort of ”spreads out” as you gently rub it on your face. Then just use your hands to clean your face and get rid of the product.



The results

Right after I used this for the first time my skin was immediately a lot softer (and trust me, my skin is basically NEVER soft, so that was a success!) and more even. I did not break out once ever since I started using this twice a day and I also feel like my red acne scars (and the redness in general) started to fade. I can honestly say: My skin hasn’t looked this good in years!

Of course this is not the only product I use and it also won’t make your acne disappear overnight. But I can definitely say that it prevents your skin from breaking out. The fact that it’s a very natural, vegan and cruelty-free (!!!) product doesn’t only make me feel better as a human being but also makes me a lot more comfortable because I always hated the thought of rubbing tons of chemicals into my skin and kind of forcing my skin to get better. So I think not only I appreciate this product, but my skin does as well 😛

Have you ever tried any of the Lush skin products and did they work for you? I hope you guys liked this review and if you also have acne prone skin you should definitely give this a try!

Thanks so much for reading!

Love, Esther


Special thanks to: My main girl Sarah who introduced me to this product. You saved me!

*This post was not sponsored by Lush, I just really love this product and wanted to share it with you guys!*

11 thoughts on “Lush Herbalism Review – Acne prone skin

  1. Hi ich hoffe es ist ok wenn ich auf deutsch schreibe aber ich denke schon 😀 ich habe auch seit ich ungefähr 13 bin mit unreiner Haut zu kämpfen (gerade ist es wieder besonders schlimm) deswegen bin ich echt froh drüber gerade diesen Blogpost gefunden zu haben 🙂 Ich werde es bestimmt mal ausprobieren denn ich habe auch schon unzählige Produkte ausprobiert ohne dass es irgentwas gebracht hat.Ich mag deine Blogeinträge mega gerne,mach weiter so! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ich freu mich mega über deinen Kommentar! Glaub mir, ich war oft kurz vorm Verzweifeln und bin auch oft noch ziemlich frustriert darüber, dass ich diesen Monat 20 werde und trotzdem noch damit zu kämpfen habe. Aber man muss die kleinen Erfolge anerkennen und das in kleinen Schritten angehen. Ich hoffe sehr, dass dir das Produkt auch ein wenig helfen wird! Ist natürlich auch keine Blitzheilmittel, aber es hat trotzdem geholfen! Liebe Grüße 😘


  2. I am so happy to hear that you’ve found a product that works for you!! I’ve had hormone-induced acne for years, and certainly oily foods make me break out, as well. In the past, I’ve tried different products said to help clear acne (I have sensitive skin, so they were gentle products), but they never helped. :/ So it’s exciting to hear that something worked for you! I’ll have to see if I can get this product, I’m sure it’s available online. I think it’s funny that Herbalism looks a bit like moss in the packaging, hahaha, but then it looks almost neon green when applied! I’d love to be able to try it out for myself 🙂 Thank you so much for the review!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Maggie! And you can get this product at every Lush store worldwide! I never really knew what actually caused my acne (except for my hormones) because I never really ate unhealthy things, I always took care of my skin and it still just wouldnt get better. This definitely helped a lot! Im really really hoping it will work for you as well cause as we all know: sometimes the skin products that work for me wont work for someone else. And yeah hahaha it does look like moss! Thank you for your comment ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome, and ahh that’s awesome!! I’m definitely going to check it out (: I’m so glad it’s helping you! Yess haha, that’s the crazy thing about acne, and sometimes it won’t go away, no matter what we use to help. You’re welcome!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I have struggled with acne for as long as I can remember and find that the Mask of Magnaminty by Lush has really helped! I also use Ultrabland to remove my makeup and that’s been working a treat too! Hoping to write a blog post on both of these items really soon because they’re now my go to!

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